- In case it entrusts another bank to honor the bank bills upon agency or issues the bank bills of another bank upon agency the capital is not timely surrendered according to the relevant provisions for three times or more within one year .
- 委托他行代理兑付银行汇票或代理签发他行银行汇票,一年内发生三次以上未按规定及时移存资金的。
- Effects of interest increasing by central bank upon postal savings .
- 浅谈央行升息对邮政储蓄的影响。
- Fees and expenses for a syndicated loan shall be borne by the agent bank upon decisions of the members of the syndicate through consultation .
- 银团贷款所发生的费用支出,由代理行承担,或由银团成员协商解决。
- She borrowed $ 40000 to earn an economics degree from stanford university in the 1980s which landed her only an entry-level job at a bank upon graduation .
- 上世纪80年代,她贷款4万美元,去斯坦福大学学习经济,毕业时只在一家银行谋到了一份最底层的工作。
- An analysis of effectiveness of china 's central bank 's circulation of bills upon currency market interest rates .
- 我国中央银行票据发行对货币市场利率传导的有效性分析。
- All foreign exchange receipts from capital transactions shall be deposited in foreign exchange accounts opened with designated foreign exchange banks in accordance with the relevant state regulations such revenues can be also sold to a designated bank
- 从资本交易所得的所有外汇收入应当存放在按照国家有关规定可设的指定外汇银行的外汇账户,这些收入经外汇局批准也可以出售给指定银行。
- When the forward contract expires the bank shall upon strength of corresponding effective vouchers provided by the client settle or sell foreign exchange .
- 远期合约到期时,银行凭客户提供的相应有效凭证为其办理结售汇。
- In short a bank 's rivals will call upon it for redemption in gold or cash in the same way as do foreigners except that the process is much faster and would nip any incipient inflation in the bud before it got started .
- 总之,银行的竞争对手将像外国人一样要求它兑付黄金或现金除非这一过程非常快,在通胀开始前就将其扼杀在萌芽状态。
- Article 47 where a bank that issues the bank bills of another bank upon agency loses seal cipher code or voucher by violating the provisions of the payment and settlement system or the agency agreement and causes loss of capital to t
- 第四十七条代理签发他行银行汇票的银行,违反支付结算制度的规定和代理协议的条款而发生印、押、证丢失,造成被代理行资金损失的,应向被代理行负责赔偿。
- A bank 's decision must be based upon the relevance and usefulness of promotional campaigns .
- 银行决策必须取决于促销活动是否有的放矢和效果如何。